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truth mural
what matters
sidewalk writing
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Pregnant?  Confidential  Hope  Love  Friend to all  800-550-4900   —Birthright
Sidewalk Writing, What Matters

Concept by artist Lana Yu and Valerie Swan, Executive Director, Peekskill Youth Bureau. Thank you to Westchester Community College, the Field Library, the Police Department, Westchester Community Networks, the Girl Scouts, Birthright and Family ties who provided the words. Thank you to Tanya Johnson for coordinating the event and all the kids and counselors at the Youth Bureau that gave their time and attention to this project.

Seventy youths and seven community organizations came together for two days of sidewalk writing on Main Street on July 30 and August 10, 2012. Seven agencies from Peekskill Agencies Together shared in ten words or less what matters to each of their organizations.

This event created an opportunity for the youth to learn about organizations that serve their communities. For the organizations this was an opportunity to share their mission statements not only with the youth, but with the public as they passed by on the sidewalk.

This project was the first installation of the What Matters concept that invites the community to consider what matters.

To learn more about this project or get involved contact Lana Yu

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